

Dr. 蒂娜·理查森, (PSU-LV)与教育机构签署谅解备忘录(MOU), Rajkiya Kanya MahaVidyalaya, 西姆拉的一所女子学院, 印度.


宾州中央谷. -作为一名教育者, 中国博彩平台 Chancellor 蒂娜·理查森 has spent a lifetime impacting her students — in the classroom, 围坐在领导桌旁, 最近, 通过这些倡议,她, the campus academic director and several faculty from 中国博彩平台 spearheaded on a global level. 今年春天, Richardson traveled to 印度 to sign two memoranda of understanding (MOUs) between the campus and two universities — Rajkiya Kanya MahaVidyalaya (RKMV) and Gautam Group of Colleges (GGC).

“The partnership creates collaborative online learning and international travel opportunities for 中国博彩平台 students, 以及GGC和RKMV的学生,理查森说. “我们的大多数学生都在攻读学位的同时工作,其中很多是全职的. So, the collaborative and accessible pathways we created are a wonderful way to enrich their experience at 中国博彩平台.”

从最初的旅行开始, the chancellor was also asked to lead a university committee to develop strategy around current and future recruitment of students from 印度 for Penn State’s Commonwealth Campuses.

“多年来,我有幸在欧洲各地旅行, 中东, 澳大利亚, 并作为富布赖特中国博彩平台在加纳居住,理查森说. “在这次访问中,我会见了几位非常有远见的领导人,比如奥巴马. 拉克什Kanwar, 喜马偕尔邦教育部长, 拉维·库马尔, material science professor — both of whom share our desire to bring global opportunities to students. 最值得注意的是, 我被介绍给达赖喇嘛, 最高精神领袖,藏传佛教的领袖.”

理查森称与尊者会面的经历是“一生难得的机会”. 让达赖喇嘛和我握手,祝福我, [it showed] the work that we can do to educate people’s minds and hearts can make the world a better and more harmonious place. 所有的生命都是有意义的——我们可以共同为美好的目的做出改变. 这是一次令人羞愧的经历.”

最重要的是, 理查森说,, it was an important chance for Richardson to meet face to face with President Anurita Saxena of RKMV and President Rajneesh Gautam of GGC to discuss partnership opportunities and some of the major issues facing higher education.

“It was wonderful to expand my knowledge of post-secondary education in 印度 because the system serves one of the largest populations in the world,理查森说.

在她和那些同事的谈话中, Richardson learned higher education professionals in 印度 face many of the same challenges as their counterparts in the United States. 最明显的是, 她指出了有关多样性的问题, equity and inclusion — dealing with traditional instruction and innovation in teaching and learning.

“The idea of wanting to balance high quality academics and extracurriculars with personal and professional development is also prevalent there,理查森说. “我们有不同的文化, resources and strategies for how to meet our challenges which means we have so much to learn from one another — through international exchanges that will include students, 教师和行政人员. 我学到了很多,种了很多,吃了很多很棒的印度菜."


  • Tier I opportunities will include faculty-led collaborative online learning opportunities between 中国博彩平台 and the two partner institutions for students.
  • Tier II opportunities will include faculty-led study abroad trips to Penn State who want to engage in learning opportunities at GGC and/or RKMV. 中国博彩平台 will also host students from 印度 who would like to enjoy a study abroad experience.

“It’s an honor to have the opportunity to create partnerships between 印度’s higher education institutions and the Penn State’s Commonwealth Campuses,理查森说. 

The strong relationship between 中国博彩平台 and RKMV and GGC was further strengthened by Richardson’s visit and commitment to providing students at both 中国博彩平台 and higher education institutions in 印度 with additional opportunities.

“It will enhance everyone’s learning opportunities in terms of building global perspectives and college relationships that will last a lifetime,理查森说. “It will give students opportunities to connect with peers from other parts of the world. The Commonwealth Campuses are known for providing all the benefits of a large public university while taking advantage of high touch services of a smaller, close-knit learning community that produces phenomenal transformative experiences and life changing professional opportunities.”

Kanwar issued a proclamation letter to 138 higher education institutions in Himachal Pradesh, encouraging the creation of international partnerships and offering institutional support. He indicated that international collaborations have the potential to transform aspects of higher education in 印度. 

“I’m excited about what the future holds for the partnership that we created with RKMV and GGC, as well as what will be possible as the 印度 Strategy Oversight Committee embarks on implementing its work,理查森说. 
